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2002 Feb 05 13:30

2001.09.04 Meeting Notes


  • A distribution survey was done during introductions.
    • RedHat: 13
    • Debian: 6
    • Mandrake: 4
    • (None): 4
    • Slackware: 2
    • StormLinux: 1
    • *BSD: 1
  • HP and Compaq plan to merger. HP wants to absorb Compaq for $25bil. ("Hewlett Compackard?")
  • Hotmail proves hackable in one line of code
  • Dead people from towns that don't exist write similar letters of Microsoft support to state attorney generals.
  • NY Stock Exchange is switching to Linux!

Project Reports

  • Demo - Waiting for confirmation from the Davis Co-Op. It will probably be on the 3rd Saturday of September. Also, LUGOD has replaced the heavy, 19" CRT with a light, 15" LCD. We may look into getting a newer video card (with digital output).

  • Installfests - LUGOD, SacLUG and RoseLUG will be holding a join Installfest in Sacramento on Sept. 16th. Visit LUGOD's Installfest page for info. and to RSVP.

  • LERT - No news.

  • Library - Linux Mandrake Security Single Network Firewall 7.2, a Compaq info. disk, and lots of Novell Netware books and software were donated to the library.

Other Business

  • Officers Meeting - An officers meeting was held on August 27th. (Minutes are online)

  • Financial Report - $40.27 in voluntary dues were collected.


  • Henry House did a short talk on Mail User Agents, demonstrating MUTT and TkRat.

  • A very short comparison was made of the Lynx and Links text-based web browsers.

  • Bill Kendrick briefly demonstrated "TuxMath," an edutainment game for Linux (and other OSes) that he's working on.



  • Henry House
  • Gabe Rosa
  • Bill Kendrick
  • Marianne Waage
  • Tom Porter
  • Tim
  • Lyn
  • Eric Engelhard
  • Harry
  • Jim
  • Rick O'Shaughnessy
  • Zach Johnson
  • Leng Siakhassone
  • Jeff DeFay
  • Sam
  • Chris
  • Mark
  • Donald Dunn
  • Michael
  • John Reynolds
  • Don
  • Ryan
  • Doug Barbieri
  • Mark Kim
  • Steve Nguyen
  • Foo Lim
  • Stephen Helms
  • ... and 4 others

Photos of this meeting

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Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
O'Reilly and Associates
For numerous book donations.