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2010 May 18 13:39
By Last Name By First Name By Join Date Search Officers Past Officers LUGODers Join

Members - By Last Name



Name: Paulette Jaeger Email:
Skills: Gardening, Teaching URL:
Work: Consultant/Agriculture Joined: 4/2003

Name: Emmanuel Jee Email: [email protected]
Skills: Embedded Linux, firmware URL:
Work: Software engineer Joined: 5/2015

Name: Chris Jenks Email:
Skills: Perl URL: http://www.jenks.us/
Work: Open Source Programmer Joined: 12/2003

Name: Bart Jennings Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Software engineer Joined: 5/2010

Name: Dean Johansson Email: [email protected]
Skills: Privacy, police surveillance URL:
Work: Government employee Joined: 3/2017

Name: Matthew Johnson Email:
Skills: URL: http://www.psychohorse.com/
Work: Tech Joined: 8/2001

Name: Zachariah Johnson Email: [email protected]
Skills: Network/Sysadmin URL: http://zachariah.net/
Work: UC Davis Mathematics Dept. Joined: 1/1999

Name: Andy Jones Email: [email protected]
Skills: URL: http://www.culturelover.com/
Work: Radio personality Joined: 7/2003

Name: Aaron Jubbal Email: [email protected]
Skills: Python scripting, Server configuration URL:
Work: Student Joined: 3/2010


Name: Rajneesh Kapur Email:
Skills: Unix URL: http://www.rishikapur.freeservers.com/
Work: Student Joined: 9/2001

Name: Chris Katscher Email: [email protected]
Skills: URL: http://spatch.livepenguin.com/
Work: Technician Joined: 7/2002

Name: Ashley Keating Email:
Skills: Hardware/Software URL:
Work: Sys.Engineer/Sys.Admin Joined: 3/2002

Name: Hans Keeler Email:
Skills: URL: http://www.saskwotch.net/
Work: Programmer Joined: 8/2002

Name: Alicia Kelley Email:
Skills: Project Management, Voice Recognition research, Spoken Dialogue systems URL: http://www.vpmdigital.com/
Work: UC Davis - PBG Management Joined: 3/2002

Name: Bill Kendrick Email: [email protected]
Skills: C, game programming, web dev, MySQL URL: http://www.newbreedsoftware.com/bill/
Work: CTO, Smashwords, Inc. Joined: 1/1999

Name: Glenn Kerbein Email: [email protected]
Skills: R, LaTeX, Gentoo URL: http://spontaneousdancing.net/
Work: IT Joined: 1/2016

Name: Mark Kidwell Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Production Manager, Marina Construction Joined: 12/1999

Name: Ilsoo Kim Email: [email protected]
Skills: Computational biophysics URL:
Work: Researcher Joined: 2/2016

Name: Mark K. Kim Email: [email protected]
Skills: C/C++, PHP, Korean URL: http://www.cbreak.org/
Work: Graduate student at USC Joined: 4/1999

Name: David King Email: [email protected]
Skills: FreeBSD, C, Java, Ruby URL: http://www.ketralnis.com
Work: Software Engineer Joined: 2/2003

Name: Kelly Kishore Email:
Skills: URL: http://wwwcsif.cs.ucdavis.edu/~kishore/
Work: Joined: 1/2000

Name: Justin Kittzman Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Joined: 2/2001

Name: Robert Kohany Email:
Skills: NT, Cisco, Solaris URL:
Work: System admin Joined: 2/2000

Name: Kenny Koller Email: [email protected]
Skills: Software, C++/C/Python URL:
Work: Embedded software engineer Joined: 3/2010

Name: Gabriel James Koop-Bick Email: [email protected]
Skills: Novice URL:
Work: Student Joined: 12/2008

Name: Hou Kot Email: [email protected]
Skills: PHP, Java URL:
Work: Student Joined: 2/2010

Name: Charlie Krauter Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Programmer Joined: 6/2000

Name: Neal Krummell Email: [email protected]
Skills: Solaris, OSX, FreeBSD URL: daviswiki.org/TarZxf
Work: Unemployed SysAdmin Joined: 8/2005

Name: Stepan Kryshtafouych Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: DBA Joined: 10/2013

Name: Russ Kyle Email:
Skills: Unix URL:
Work: Software Engineer Joined: 3/2002


Name: Trevor Michael Lango Email:
Skills: Living URL:
Work: Student Joined: 10/2003

Name: Greg Larkin Email: [email protected]
Skills: Puppet, general software dev, SysAdmin URL: http://www.puppet.com/
Work: Professional Services Engineer Joined: 5/2016

Name: David Larson Email:
Skills: C, C++, Java, CGI, Web hosting, e-commerce URL: http://www.z500.net/
Work: Program Analyst Joined: 7/2002

Name: Daniel Lattimore Email: [email protected]
Skills: Algorithm development URL:
Work: Joined: 10/2010

Name: Brian Lavender Email: [email protected]
Skills: PERL URL: http://www.brie.com/
Work: Joined: 5/1999

Name: Stephen Lawrence Email:
Skills: PC Support Technician URL:
Work: Examen, Inc. Joined: 10/1999

Name: Jacob LeBeau Email: [email protected]
Skills: Web development, SGML, XML, VRML URL:
Work: Webmaster Joined: 8/2002

Name: David Leippe Email: [email protected]
Skills: Win98/NT, Atari ST/TT, CD audio, networking URL: http://www.leippe.com/
Work: Pilot Joined: 1/2000

Name: Jeremy Leland Email:
Skills: Programming, Gaming URL: http://www.geocities.com/iggames13/
Work: K-12 Student Joined: 1/2003

Name: Tahar Lemseffer Email: [email protected]
Skills: URL:
Work: IT Analyst, Software Engineer Joined: 7/2009

Name: Al Lenaburg Email: [email protected]
Skills: URL:
Work: Joined: 6/2009

Name: Anna Leslie Email:
Skills: Programming, data analysis, AI algos URL:
Work: Medical Informatics Joined: 10/2001

Name: Gil Levy Email: [email protected]
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 7/2009

Name: Patrick Lickiss Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: Student Joined: 3/2001

Name: John Liechty Email:
Skills: MS degree in CS URL:
Work: Recent graduate Joined: 10/2003

Name: Mark Liechty Email:
Skills: Microsoft server/desktop URL: http://www.mlaccs.com/
Work: Network consultant Joined: 10/2003

Name: Foo Lim Email: [email protected]
Skills: URL:
Work: Joined: 5/1999

Name: David Lindsay Email: [email protected]
Skills: Unix and Windows Software Development URL:
Work: Software Engineer Joined: 1/2002

Name: John Lin Email:
Skills: URL: http://www.gimpboy.com/
Work: Joined: 1/2000

Name: Carl Lischeske Email:
Skills: C/C++ programming, CGI in C URL:
Work: Student Joined: 11/1999

Name: Scott Livingston Email:
Skills: URL:
Work: DSHS student Joined: 9/2003

Name: Jim Long Email: [email protected]
Skills: URL:
Work: Software developer Joined: 2/2002

Name: Elena Lopez Email: [email protected]
Skills: Biology, Integrative Physiology URL: http://elenamlopez.com/
Work: Researcher and Educator Joined: 8/2010

Name: Carol Lorenger Email: [email protected]
Skills: - URL:
Work: Data Architecht Joined: 7/2002

Name: Harry Low Email: [email protected]
Skills: URL:
Work: Retired Joined: 12/1999

Name: Jim Lowman Email: [email protected]
Skills: C, C++, VB URL:
Work: Programmer/Analyst Joined: 8/2002

Name: Zhi-Wei Lu Email: [email protected]
Skills: Unixes URL:
Work: Sysadmin Joined: 7/2002

Name: Kevin Lucas Email: [email protected]
Skills: System administration, Web dev. URL:
Work: Joined: 6/2016

Name: Val Luck Email: [email protected]
Skills: Unix/Linux, Asian languages URL:
Work: System Admin Joined: 11/1999

Name: Jessica Luedtke Email:
Skills: URL: http://www.ansible.org/~cat/
Work: Joined: 1/1999

Name: Chris Lupo Email:
Skills: Compiler optimization, Code generation URL: http://www.ece.ucdavis.edu/~lupo/
Work: Grad Student Joined: 1/2000

Name: Kenneth Lyons Email: [email protected]
Skills: Python, scientific computing URL: http://ixjlyons.com
Work: PhD Student Joined: 1/2013


Note: E-mail addresses are displayed with the word 'MAPS' ('spam', backwards) inserted randomly, to confuse e-mail address harvesters used by spammers.

Remove those letters to get the real e-mail address.

If you wish to have your member listing changed, either by having the e-mail removed, adding a home page link, or just not listed, please e-mail [email protected].

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Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
EDGE Tech Corp.
For donating some give-aways for our meetings.