Our secretary, Melissa, keeping track of the many books we had donated
to our library at this meeting.
A pair of Sun Sparcs which Geoff Herteg (who's moving) donated to LUGOD
for raffling.
O'Reilly sent us 8 copies of their C# in a Nutshell, which was
co-authored by our guest speaker, Ted Neward.
More hardware to raffle: a KVM, game controller, Linux firewall software.
More raffling hardware: a PC.
A packed room! Almost 50 people showed up at this meeting!
Another shot of the crowd.
Pete Salzman, holding up a copy of No Starch Press's Programming Linux
Games, which was given to...
...Joel Baumert, our LUGODer of the Quarter! (Shown with his son Issac)
One of our raffle winners.
Verbus Counts, another raffle winner tonight.
Doug Barbieri, another raffle winner.
Mike Simons - LUGOD's vice chair, and another raffle winner.
Jeff Rousch, another raffle winner.
Cordell Newmiller - raffle winner.
Richard Crawford - long-time LUGOD member, but first-time meeting
attendant - and raffle winner!
A new member, and raffle winner!
After the "C#" books were all gone, winners got to pick and choose from the
hardware Geoff Herteg brougth, and t-shirts donated by VMWare and O'Reilly.
New faces, and all raffle winners!
Alright folks - settle down!
The talk begins! Ted Neward starts out asking us to keep the political
questions to a minimum. He asks us all to scream "Microsoft sucks!"
to get it out of our system. ;^)
More Ted Neward.
More Ted Neward.
Ted goes over the various aspects of .NET.
Answering a question.
.NET is made up of languages (C#, VisualBasic.NET, etc.),
a virtual machine, libraries, and, of course... HYPE!
Isaac Baumert wanders about.
Stephen Helms was wearing a cool Debian t-shirt.
Left: Web services and UDDI can enable, e.g., a travel agency to
get prices from airlines. Right: XML, like other types of data, works
over HTTP. But, like other types of data, works fine over other
protocols, too.