Linux Users' Group of Davis - "2002.12.03 Photos"


Meeting Minutes

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry
How to Create and Build Debian Packages

Davis Library

Photos by Bill Kendrick

Pete Salzman, running his last LUGOD meeting.

Tons of free stuff was out for the pickings.

Our speaker, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry, with a bottle of home-brewed honey mead.

The ubiquitous "Heavy Gear 2" give-away item.

Books for give-aways and inclusion in LUGOD's library: "Linux in the Workplace," "The Linux Cookbook" and "The Linux Problem Solver" from No Starch Press. "Linux Security" from Prentice Hall. And "Mac OS X: The Missing Manual" from O'Reilly.

Kevin Murakoshi was recognized as LUGODer of the Quarter, and awarded a copy of Heavy Gear 2 and Heretic 2 for Linux.

Dmitriy Ivanov, thinking of how to do a charade of a Unix signal.


And Ted Deppner guessed it!

Sean 'Shaleh' Perry, starting his talk.

More Sean.

"How many people here use Debian?" Wow! Most of us!

More Sean.

"Oh hey, I can look that up right here"

LUGOD: PO Box 1336, Davis, CA 95617

Last updated: 2002 Dec 04 02:08