Photos by Bill Kendrick
Tons of free stuff was out for the pickings.
Our speaker, Sean 'Shaleh' Perry, with a bottle of home-brewed honey mead.
The ubiquitous "Heavy Gear 2" give-away item.
Books for give-aways and inclusion in LUGOD's library:
"Linux in the Workplace," "The Linux Cookbook" and
"The Linux Problem Solver" from No Starch Press.
"Linux Security" from Prentice Hall. And "Mac OS X: The Missing Manual"
from O'Reilly.
Kevin Murakoshi was recognized as LUGODer of the Quarter, and awarded
a copy of Heavy Gear 2 and Heretic 2 for Linux.
Dmitriy Ivanov, thinking of how to do a charade of a Unix signal.
And Ted Deppner guessed it!
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry, starting his talk.
More Sean.
"How many people here use Debian?" Wow! Most of us!
More Sean.
"Oh hey, I can look that up right here"