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Meeting Minutes

Bill Kendrick
KDE 3.2: A User's Perspective

Davis Public Library

Photos by Bill Kendrick

Mike Simons donated a laptop and Knoppix to show the slides on.

Free stuff, as usual!

Mike Simons did a cool dual-table setup for the 'welcome' swag.

After the meeting we went to Crepeville. Left to right: Jennifer and Jonathan Stickel, Emily Stumpf, Dmitriy Ivanov, Richard Harke.

(Continuing left to right) Paul, Ryan Castellucci (hiding himself) and Hans Uhlig.

Ryan showing off a Crepeville menu... Yeah, that's the ticket!

Ryan, Hans, Doug Barbieri (back right) and Seth Nagao (front right) with their laptops out playing with wireless.

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based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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O'Reilly and Associates
For numerous book donations.