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Meeting Minutes

Brian Lavender

Wickson Hall, Room 2120J, UC Davis

Photos by Bill Kendrick

Sitting around a table in Wickson Hall.

About 14 people came, despite short notice on the topic, and a meeting venue we've never used.

Brian starts his talk on OpenSSL.

A handy OpenSSL book from O'Reilly.

Configuring Certficiate Authorities in Firefox.

Using TinyCA to manage a small Certificate Authority.

A blurry shot of Brian's handout, with some OpenSSL BIO networking code.

Chris McKenzie interrupts for a bit to install and explain how to use the "cscope" source code navigation tool under the VIM editor.

After the meeting, many of us meet up at Crepeville for dinner and socializing.

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Hosting provided by:
Sunset Systems
Sunset Systems offers preconfigured Linux systems, remote system administration and custom software development.

LUGOD: Linux Users' Group of Davis
Contact Us

LUGOD is a 501(c)7 non-profit organization
based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

Sponsored in part by:
Appahost Applications
For a significant contribution towards our projector, and a generous donation to allow us to continue meeting at the Davis Library.