Linux User Group Booth at O'Reilly OSCON 2009
July 22-23, 2009
McEnery Convention Center, San Jose
Members of
volunteered to staff a multi-LUG booth at the 2009
O'Reilly Open Source
Convention (OSCON), to help spread the word about all of the Linux User
Groups in the region:
(See the OSCON project page at LUGOD.org.)
Volunteers from
the various groups included:
Jim Stockford,
Ron Wellman,
Bill Kendrick,
Sameer Verma,
Leigh Jin,
Ajay Tallam,
Jack DeSlippe,
and Grant Bowman.
Jim Stockford, Ron Wellman and Bill Kendrick coordinated the volunteers.
Jack DeSlippe, with help from Bill Kendrick, Rick Moen and Grant Bowman,
created a LUG flyer and map, which was also placed at the Fedora and Ubuntu
booths, too.
Thanks to Marsee Henon and May Carver at
O'Reilly for the booth, and for
creating copies of the flyer.
Photos by Bill Kendrick
O'Reilly OSCON: Open Source Convention
The booth when the first of us arrived. (It was mislabelled "LUGOD",
but Bill flipped it over and drew the label: "Linux Users Groups".)
A nearby booth: Haiku.
Keynote: Allison Randall
Keynote: Allison Randall
Keynote: Tim O'Reilly
Keynote: Tim O'Reilly
Keynote audience shot.
Keynote: Open Source for America website (during Tim O'Reilly's presentation)
Keynote: "Things from 1992"
Keynote: Opening a never-opened copy of Borland Paradox (from 1992).
Also from Davis: Stacy and Alex Mandel, representing OSGeo at OSCON.
Ron Wellman from SF-LUG staffing the LUG booth.
The Ubuntu booth.
(Sideways) Sameer Verma from SF-LUG, SFSU and OLPC-SF brought some
OLPC XO-1 systems to the LUG booth. This one is acting as a 'school server.'
Sameer Verma from SF-LUG, SFSU and OLPC-SF brought some
OLPC XO-1 systems to the LUG booth.
A BerkeleyLUG info sheet at the LUG booth.
An OLPC XO-1/Sugar info sheet at the LUG booth.
Sameer Verma from SF-LUG, SFSU and OLPC-SF, talking to a passer-by about
the OLPC XO-1 at the LUG booth.
Jack DeSlippe of BerkeleyLUG and the Ubuntu California LoCo Team,
with the "Greater Bay Area LUG" flyer that he created for the LUGs.
The LinuxFund booth. (With Perl book author Randal Schwartz on the right.)
The Python booth. (With south bay LUG attendee, Rafael Skoldar.)
Leigh Jin from SF-LUG and SFSU, staffing the LUG booth.
Perl camel at the O'Reilly booth.
Robotic dinosaur at The Tech Museum's booth.
Google light at the Google booth.
Crowds outside the expo hall. (Seen standing in grey:
Jono Bacon from twit.tv's FLOSS Weekly,
and organizer of the previous weekend's Community Leadership Summit,
also hosted at the McEnery Convention center by O'Reilly.)
Crowds outside the expo hall.
Folks wandering outside the expo hall.
A penguin-themed dessert shop in downtown San Jose.
Grabbing dinner on the way back to Davis.
Alex Mandel from LUGOD and GLOBAL: geography club, and Stacy from GLOBAL,
who were there to tend the OSGeo booth.