Meeting Minutes
3D Display, 3D Interaction, 3D Capture, and Off-Label Uses of Commodity Hardware (or: How to Become an Internet Celebrity in Three Easy Steps)
Oliver Kreylos, Project Scientist, Department of Geology, University of California, Davis
Explorit Nature Center
Photos by Bill Kendrick
Nearly 40 people crammed into the room we meet at Explorit Nature Center for this presentation!
Oliver starting his talk.
Video showing someone manipulating a globe in 3D in the KeckCAVES at UC Davis.
User interface appears floating in front of you, in 3D.
Oliver creating a buckyball using the Nanotech Construction Kit.
Interacting with a 3D recording of people (created using a pair of video cameras that interpret the stereoscoping information to create the people as objects).
"Surgeons are now using Wii controllers"
A set of IR-emitting LEDs for use with a Wiimote, constructed out of Legos.
Analyzing data from a Wiimote.
Wiimote and nun-chuck.
Interacting with a 3D display of volumetric data of a motorcycle accident victim's fractured skull.
Microsoft Xbox Kinect 'controller'. (IR projection laser, IR camera and visible-light camera.)
Converting our Explorit Nature Center meeting place into a 3D environment, using only the data from the Kinect. (From the Kinect's point of view.)
Converting our Explorit Nature Center meeting place into a 3D environment, using only the data from the Kinect. (Bird's eye view. Remember that the Kinect itself has not moved!)
A digital camera can detect some of the IR light being projected from the Kinect.
Virtual tic-tac-toe 3D video conference in a Doom level.
Virtual Light Sabre fight in a 3D video conference in a Doom level.
25 million point Lidar scan of a house after a landslide.