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Meeting Minutes

Introduction to IPv6 Socket Programming
Owen DeLong, IPv6 Evangelist, Hurricane Electric

Explorit Nature Center

Photos by Bill Kendrick

A small, but growing crowd...

...shows up to learn about IPv6 and supporting it in their applications.

Nick Schmalenberger brought brownies, baked by his grandmother(!)

Owen DeLong of Hurricane Electric.

Why do we care about IPv6? Because we're running out of IPv4 addresses!

IANA has allocated everything!

Part of the C-oriented section of the talk.

Watching the talk, and some folks taking notes or playing along with the examples.

Some of the Perl IPv4 to IPv4/v6 dual-stack changes.

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based in Davis, California
and serving the Sacramento area.
"Linux" is a trademark of Linus Torvalds.

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