Photos from LUGOD's
monthly meetings.
2016 Meetings
- September 19, 2016 - Davis Public Library
Emily Kurze, Marketing Programs Manager, The Linux Foundation -
Get out of your own way: build the open source career you want!
- July 18, 2016 - Explorit
Professor Harry H. Cheng, Dept. of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UC Davis -
The Center for Integrated Computing and STEM Education (The C-STEM Center)
- June 20, 2016 - Davis Public Library
Michele Tobias, Tobias Research -
- May 16, 2016 - Davis Public Library
Karen Yin-Yee Ng -
- April 18, 2016 - Explorit
Greg Larkin, Puppet Labs -
Configuration Management with Puppet: Present and Future
- March 21, 2016 - Davis Public Library
Wesley Aptekar-Cassels, Citrus Circuits (FRC Team 1678) -
APPA, a Linux-based 'FIRST Robotics Competition' Robot
- February 15, 2016 - Explorit
Stephen Matthew Helms -
Ultra low-cost Single Board Computers: Next Thing Co's "C.H.I.P.",
a $9 computer, and PINE64, a $15 64-bit supercomputer
- January 18, 2016 - Smashwods
Brian Lavender -
Using Code Blocks for C++ Development
2015 Meetings
- October 19, 2015 - Explorit
Ronin Dusette -
PlayOnLinux: a graphical front-end to Wine
- August 17, 2015 - Davis Public Library
Gianluca Borello, Sr. Eng., SysDig -
The Dark Art of Container Monitoring
- May 18, 2015 - Davis Public Library
Alison Chaiken, Mentor Graphics (Embedded Software Division) -
Systemd: The Modern Linux init System You Will Learn to Love
- March 16, 2015 - Davis Public Library
Robert Nickerson, president, Davis Community Network
Community Fiber Optic for Davis
- Feb. 16, 2015 - Explorit
Brian Lavender, American River College -
Using Raptor and Pascal to teach programming
- Jan. 19, 2015 - Smashwords, Inc.
Eric Rasmussen, Lead software developer, -
Purely Functional Package Management with Nix (Minutes pending)
2014 Meetings
- Nov. 17, 2014 - Davis Public Library
Adam Reiser -
GNU Privacy Guard (GnuPG)
- Oct. 20, 2014 - Explorit
Wesley Aptekar-Cassels -
Web Application Hacking: How to Make and Break Security on the Web
- August 18, 2014 - Davis Public Library
Wes Hardaker, Captured on Earth Photography -
A professional photographer's view of Linux
- June 16, 2014 - Davis Public Library
Case Talbot, Smashwords, Inc. -
Google Go: Not Just For Googlers, also for Gophers!
- May 19, 2014 - Davis Public Library
Adam Rippon, Creative Director, Muteki Corp -
How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love SDL
- April 21, 2014 - Davis Public Library
Wes Hardaker -
Google Glass
- March 17, 2014 - Davis Public Library
Wilson Man, Principal Consultant, Liferay, Inc. -
Introduction to Liferay Portal 6.2
- Feb. 17, 2014 - Explorit
Dr. Norm Matloff, Computer Science department, UC Davis -
Parallel Processing in R
- Jan. 20, 2014 - Veterans' Memorial Center
John Mark Walker, Gluster Community Leader, Red Hat, Inc. -
GlusterFS and LUGOD's 15th anniversary
2013 Meetings
- Dec. 16, 2013 - Davis Public Library
Professor Sameer Verma, Information Systems, San Francisco State University -
OLPC (One Laptop Per Child) and Sugar: Collaborative, Joyful,
and Self-empowered Learning
- Nov. 18, 2013 - Explorit
Micah Cowan -
Composing Command-Line Apps With "Plines"
- Oct. 21, 2013 - Davis Public Library
Tim Feldman and Braden Pellett, Davis Makerspace -
"Printrbot Simple" 3D Printer
- Sept. 16, 2013 - Davis Public Library
Greg Lindahl, founder and CTO, blekko -
Building a new web-scale search engine
- August 19, 2013 - Davis Public Library
Various -
Vintage Computers and Linux roundtable
- July 15, 2013 - Davis Public Library
Various -
Mini topics
- June 17, 2013 - Davis Public Library
Micah Cowan -
Exploring the Terminal
- May 20, 2013 - Davis Public Library
Eric Rasmussen -
Smart Static Sites with Hakyll
- April 15, 2013 - Davis Public Library
Larry Cafiero -
Introduction to CrunchBang Linux: The Best Distro You've Never Heard Of
- February 18, 2013 - Explorit Nature Center
Joseph Arruda -
SugarCRM and Open Source
2012 Meetings
- December 17, 2012 - Davis Public Library
Stephen Chin, Lead Developer, WidgetFX -
JavaFX on Raspberry Pi
- November 19, 2012 - Explorit
Peter Linnell, Sr. Engineer, SUSE -
SUSE Linux for the Enterprise, and Open Build Server
- October 15, 2012 - Davis Public Library
Steve Inness -
Home CNC Machining with Linux
- September 17, 2012 - Davis Public Library
Daniel Reverri, Client Architect, Basho Technologies, Inc. -
Riak distributed NoSQL database
- August 20, 2012 - Davis Public Library
Pete Ippel, software developer and artist, Fabricatorz -
Open Clip Art Library
- May 21, 2012 - Davis Public Library
Philip Ballew, Head of Ubuntu Youth -
Ubuntu 12.04 and Unity; What is it all about?
- April 16, 2012 - Explorit
Akkana Peck, author of Beginning GIMP: From Novice to Professional -
GIMP: GNU Image Manipulation Program
- March 19, 2012
Brian Lavender -
Attaining Critical Mass with Java EE
- January 16, 2012 - Veterans Memorial Center
Gabriel Dunne -
2011 Meetings
- October 17, 2011 - Davis Public Library
Ariel Waldman, Founder, -
Hacking Space Exploration and Science
- September 19, 2011 - Davis Public Library
John Wojnaroski, Chief Engineer, LFS Technologies, Inc. -
Full Scale Flight Simulators
- August 15, 2011 - Davis Public Library
Francisco Athens, Lips of Suna -
FOSS Gaming
- June 20, 2011 - Wickson Hall, Room 1017, UC Davis
Bryan Bell, Graduate Intern, Intel -
Writing a Compiler in Haskell and LLVM
- May 16, 2011 - Davis Public Library
Joel Bremson, Graduate Student Researcher,
Institute of Transportation Studies, UC Davis -
Django web framework
- April 18, 2011 - Davis Public Library
Wes Hardaker -
MythTV - open source DVR (digital video recorder)
- March 21, 2011 - Davis Public Library
Charley Shattuck / Brian Lavender -
MyForth for Arduino / Hibernate ORM for Java
- February 21, 2011 - Explorit Nature Center
Owen DeLong, Hurricane Electric -
Introduction to IPv6 Socket Programming
- January 17, 2011 - Explorit Nature Center
Mark Terranova, Gidget Kitchen -
If Tux the Penguin Gave You Kool-Aid, Would You Drink It?
(Also, LUGOD's 12th anniversary celebration)
- January 11, 2011 - Explorit Nature Center
Nicole Carlson, The Aerospace Corporation -
2010 Meetings
- December 20, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
Oliver Kreylos, Project Scientist, Department of Geology, UC Davis -
3D Display, 3D Interaction, 3D Capture, and Off-Label Uses of Commodity Hardware (or: How to Become an Internet Celebrity in Three Easy Steps)
- November 15, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
Micah Cowan - GNU Wget
- October 18, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
Charley Shattuck; Brian Lavender - Color Forth; Lazarus
- September 20, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
Scott McCreary and Urias McCulloug - Haiku operating system
- September 7, 2010 - Crepeville Restaurant
Social Gathering & Google Android device roundtable and show-and-tell
- August 16, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
"Patent Absurdity" film screening
- July 19, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
Ambroff Linden, Linden Lab -
Eventlet networking library for Python
- June 21, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
Brian Lavender, Computer Science Masters student, CSU Sacramento -
Algorithms to do Network Intrusion Detection, and integration into nProbe
- June 1, 2010 - Crepeville Restaurant
Social Gathering
- May 17, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
Adam Yergovich, JK Microsystems, Inc. - µClinux (Microcontroller linux)
- May 4, 2010 - Crepeville Restaurant
Social Gathering
- March 15, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
Various LUGOD members - Revision Control Roundtable
- February 15, 2010 - Explorit Nature Center
Jinesh Varia, - Amazon Web Services
- January 18, 2010 - Veterans' Memorial Center
Wilson Man, Liferay, Inc. - Liferay Portal and Liferay Social Office
(Also, LUGOD's 11th anniversary celebration)
2009 Meetings
- December 21, 2009 - Explorit Nature Center
Don Werve - JRuby
- November 16, 2009 - Explorit Nature Center
David Smith, REvolution Computing - Introduction to REvolution R
- November 3, 2009 - Crepeville Restaurant
Social Gathering
- October 19, 2009 - Explorit Nature Center
Joe Cooper and Jamie Cameron, Virtualmin, Inc. - Xen and cloud computing
- July 20, 2009 - Wickson Hall, Room 2124, UC Davis
Mark Smallwood, Marketing Communications Manager - click2try
- July 7, 2009 - Crepeville Restaurant
Social Gathering
- June 15, 2009 - Davis Food Co-Op Teaching Kitchen
Graham Freeman, Founder & General Manager -
Cernio Technology Cooerative
- May 18, 2009 - Davis Library
Todd Trichler, Senior Principal Product Manager, Oracle Technology Network
- Oracle Linux Engineering Team update
- April 20, 2009 - Davis Library
Cameron Tully-Smith - Alice beginners programming environment
- March 16, 2009 - Davis Library
Douglas Barbieri - CMake
- February 16, 2009 - Davis Library
Ramona Howard and Jason Howard, Spectsoft - Rave hard disk recorders
- January 19, 2009 - Davis Library
Allison Randal, Chief Architect - Parrot
(Also, LUGOD's 10th anniversary celebration)
2008 Meetings
- November 17, 2008 - Davis Library
Cathy Malmrose, CEO, ZaReason, Inc - Open Source Business Model
- October 20, 2008 - Davis Library
Michael Ogawa, Visualization and Interface Design Innovation group (VIDI),
UC Davis - code_swarm
- August 18, 2008 - Davis Library
David Isaacson and Stou Sandalski - Siafoo
- July 21, 2008 - Davis Library
Brian Lavender, Scott Miller, Bill Kendrick, Tony Cratz, Bill -
Linux on Laptops Roundtable
- June 16, 2008 - Wickson Hall, Room 2120J,
UC Davis
Brian Lavender - OpenSSL
- May 16, 2008 - Giedt Hall, Room 1006, UC Davis
Steve Coast, Founder, OpenStreetMap - The OpenStreetMap project
- February 18, 2008 - Davis Library
Wes Hardaker, GeoQO project - GPSr Waypoint Management Linux Tools
and Geocaching
- January 21, 2008 - Davis Library
Christian Einfeldt, Producer - The Digital Tipping Point
(Also, LUGOD's 9th anniversary celebration)
2007 Meetings
2006 Meetings
2005 Meetings
2004 Meetings
- September 20, 2004 - Davis Library
Steve Hargadon, Hargadon Computer, Inc. - K12LTSP: Linux Terminal Server Project
- April 19, 2004 - Davis Library
Steve Caruso, Silicon Graphics, Inc. - Penguins Can Fly! The SGI Altix
- April 6, 2004 - Davis Library
Bill Kendrick - KDE 3.2: A User's Perspective
- March 15, 2004 - Davis Library
Gabe Rosa - Linux Traffic Shaping using iproute2 and netfilter
- March 2, 2004 - Davis Food Co-Op
Mark K. Kim - Autoconf and Automake Basics
- February 16, 2004 - Davis Library
Tim Stapko and Gene Fodor, Z-World - SSL: Secure Socket Layer
- February 3, 2004 - Davis Library
Doug Barbieri - Digital Video and Linux
- January 19, 2004 - Ding How restaurant, Davis
LUGOD 5th Anniversary Celebration
- January 6, 2004 - Davis Library
Michael Wenk - MySQL Programming Basics
2003 Meetings
- December 15, 2003 - Davis Library
Jason and Ramona Howard, SpectSoft LLC - High Definition Video under Linux
- November 17, 2003 - Davis Library
Tim Riley, - Appaserver Open Source Application Server
- November 4, 2003 - Kemper Hall, Room 1131,
UC Davis
Sean Adams, Slim Devices, Inc. - The SLIMP3 Network Music Player
- October 20, 2003 - Davis Library
Edward Cherlin, Encore Technologies - Erasing the Digital Divide - The
Simputer Portable Computer
- October 7, 2003 - Kemper Hall, Room 1131,
UC Davis
Marc Miller, AMD - AMD64 & Linux - the Platform of Choice
- September 15, 2003 - Davis Library
Ryan Castelluci - Über TiVo
- September 2, 2003 - Davis Library
Dr. M. A. Sridhar, Ampersand Corp. - zeroCode
- August 18, 2003 - Davis Library
Chris Reed, Affero, Inc. - Affero Rating & Reputation Service for
Online Works
- July 21, 2003 - Davis Library
Seth Schoen, Electronic Frontier Foundation - The Empire Strikes Back:
Contraining Free Software Development
- July 1, 2003 - Davis Library
Vinh Du, Vik Sohal, LynuxWorks - BlueCat Linux
- June 16, 2003 - Davis Library
Gabe Rosa - NVidia's Cg Shader Language
- June 3, 2003 - Davis Library
Patrick Ferriter, Zultys Technologies - The ZIP4x4 Linux-based IP Phone
- May 19, 2003 - Symposium Restaurant, Davis
Dinner party. (No guest speaker.)
- May 6, 2003 - Davis Library
Roy Greenwood, IBM Linux Impact Team - IBM and Linux:
The Big Blue Penguin
- April 21, 2003 - Davis Library
Mark Fasheh and Todd Trichler, Oracle Linux Development Team -
Oracle Clustering File System
- April 1, 2003 - Davis Library
Guy Sotomayor and Nick Glassman, Digeo - The Linux-based 'Moxi' Media
- March 17, 2003 - Davis Library
Roland Krause, Charles Samuels, The KDE Team - The K Desktop Environment
- March 4, 2003 - Davis Library
Asa Dotzler, Netscape Communications - Getting Involved with Mozilla
- February 17, 2003 - Davis Library
Ryan Castelluci - 802.11b Basics
- January 20, 2003 - Davis Library
LUGOD's 4-year anniversary - "REVOLUTION OS" film screening
- January 7, 2003 - Davis Library
Adam Bertsch, Sony Computer Entertainment, America - Sony's
"Linux for the PlayStation 2" kit
2002 Meetings
- December 3, 2002 - Davis Library
Sean 'Shaleh' Perry - How to Create and Build Debian Packages
- November 18, 2002 - Davis Library
Ken Gracey, Andy Lindsey, Parallax Inc. - BASIC Stamp Programmable
- November 5, 2002 - Novozymes, Davis
Lawrence Rosen, Open Source Initiative - Legal Issues for Open Source
- October 21, 2002 - Davis Library
Dave Peticolas - Rapid GUI Development with Glade
- October 1, 2002 - Davis Library
Francois Gouget, CodeWeavers - CrossOver Office and CrossOver Plugin
- September 3, 2002 - Davis Library
Zane Westover, Hewlett Packard - HP Blade Servers
- August 19, 2002 - Sudwerk, Davis
Jon 'maddog' Hall - Effective Linux Evangelism
- August 6, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Stephen Helms - Networking Linux in a Heterogenous Environment
- July 15, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Hans Reiser - ReiserFS version 4
- July 2, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Rasmus Lerdorf - The PHP Hypertext Processing language
- June 17, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Steve Smith, Deep Video Imaing, Ltd. - The Actualdepth 'Quasi-3D'
Multi-layered LCD Monitor
- June 4, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Ted Neward, DevelopMentor - What Linux Users Should Know About .NET
- May 20, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Murry Shohat, Embedded Linux Consortium and Rick Lehrbaum,
- Can the Embedded Linux Consortium help Embedded Linux Dominate the
- May 7, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Andy Ross, Jim Brennan and John Wojnaroski -
FlightGear flight simulator and OpenGC glass cockpit
- April 15, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Verbus M. Counts, Advanced Open Source Solutions -
The VI Editor
- April 2, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Dr. David P. Anderson, SETI@home Director -
SETI@home: An experiment in Internet-scale distributed computing
- March 18, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Dr. Richard S. Wallace, ALICE AI Foundation -
The Anatomy of ALICE
- March 5, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Chuck Groom and Devin Carraway, Blue Mug, Inc. - Building an
Embedded Linux Prototype
- February 18, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Rob Wehrli, Arizona Cooperative Power - µClinux
- February 5, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Rich Morin, Prime Time Freeware - DOSSIER and The Meta Project
- January 21, 2002 - Z-World, Davis
Nile Geisinger and Alex Ledin - dLoo Springbox
(Also, LUGOD's 3th anniversary celebration)
2001 Meetings
- December 17, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Bill Kendrick - Sharp Zaurus Linux/Java PDA
- November 19, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Pete Salzman - devFS
- October 15, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Dr. Normal Matloff, UC Davis - Myth of Software Labor Shortage
- October 2, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Robert Doss, Apple Computer - Mac OSX
- September 17, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Jan Wynholds - NetFilter
- September 4, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Bill Kendrick - The GIMP, Part 2
- June 18, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Gabriel Rosa - OpenGL Basics
- June 5, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Anders Ohllson, Borland Software - Kylix RAD Tool
- May 21, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Brian Lavender - LDAP
- May 1, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Steve Anderson, Cheung Tam, Cisco Systems - Open Source Voice Over IP
- April 16, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Mark K. Kim - Blender
- April 3, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Gabriel Rosa - FLTK: Fast/Light Toolkit
- March 19, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Bill Kendrick - Agenda VR3 Linux-based PDA
- March 6, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Chuck Polisher - Building the Linux Kernel
- February 19, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Henry House, Eric Engelhard - PostgreSQL, Perl, PHP
- February 6, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Matt Bishop - Trust and Security
- Janaury 15, 2001 - Z-World, Davis
Jerey Allison - Samba
2000 Meetings
- December 18, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Pete Salzman - Using DVDs on the Linux Platform
- Decemebr 5, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Jim Kingdon - SourceForge
- November 20, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Eric Engelhard - Open Source Bioinformatics
- November 7, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Bill Broadley - Zope
- September 18, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Mark K. Kim - Vgetty
- September 5, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Micah Cowan - Perl Basics
- July 17, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Drew Parsons - GTK+
- June 19, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Dave Peticolas - GnuCash
- June 6, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Rob Ferber - Distributed Computing without Beowulf
- May 15, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Bill Saphir - Linux for Scientific Computing
- May 2, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Henry House - OpenSSH, International Kernel, Steganographic Filesystem
- April 17, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Drew Parsons - PGP
- April 4, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Pete Salzman - Compiling the Kernel
- March 20, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Henry House - Linux/PPC
- March 7, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Greg Roelofs - PNG
- February 21, 2000 - Z-World, Davis
Mike Simons - GDB, Part II
- February 1, 2000 - LampPost Pizza, Davis
Mike Simons - GDB, Part I
- January 18, 2000 - EUII Room 1127, UC Davis
LUGOD 1-year anniversary -
Carsten "Rasterman" Haitzler and Simon Horman - Enlightenment and
High Availability
1999 Meetings
2013 Special Events
2010 Special Events
2009 Special Events
2008 Special Events
2007 Special Events
2006 Special Events
2005 Special Events
- October 15, 2005 - Kemper Hall, Room 1131,
UC Davis
Linux Installfest
- September 10, 2005 - Davis Farmer's Market
Linux Demo for Software Freedom Day 05
- August 14, 2005 - Sunnyvale Baylands Park,
Picn*x14 — Linux 14th anniversary picnic & BBQ.
- July 10, 2005 - Davis Food Co-Op, Davis
Linux Demo
- May 6-8, 2005 - UC Davis Quad
LUGOD at the 2005 Whole Earth Festival
- March 19, 2005 - Kemper Hall, Room 1131,
UC Davis
Linux Installfest
- February 20, 2005 - Kemper Hall, Room 1131,
UC Davis
Linux Installfest
2004 Special Events
2003 Special Events
- October 26, 2003 - Davis Food Co-Op, Davis
Tux Paint demo and CD give-away
- August 9, 2003 - Sunnyvale Baylands Park,
Picn*x12 - Linux anniversary picnic
- August 7, 2003 - Moscone Center, San Francisco
LUGOD's LinuxWorld Expo Booth - Day 3
- August 6, 2003 - Moscone Center, San Francisco
LUGOD's LinuxWorld Expo Booth - Day 2
- August 5, 2003 - Moscone Center, San Francisco
LUGOD's LinuxWorld Expo Booth - Day 1
- August 4, 2003 - Moscone Center, San Francisco
LUGOD's LinuxWorld Expo Booth - Setup Day
- August 2, 2003 - Barbieri Residence, Davis
'Geek Swap' swap-meet fundraiser
- May 14-16, 2003 - Sacramento Convention Center
LUGOD's booth at the Government Technology Conference
(GTC West 2003)
- May 9-11, 2003 - UC Davis Quad
LUGOD at the 2003 Whole Earth Festival
- April 12, 2003 - Engineering Unit II, UC Davis
LUGOD's booth at the 2003 UC Davis Picnic Day, plus photos the CS Club's
Computer Museum
- March 29, 2003 - American River College
LUGOD (with SacLUG and RoseLUG) at the Writers in the Workplace Conference
- January 12, 2003 - Holiday Inn Northeast,
LUGOD at the PC Super Show and Expo
2002 Special Events
2001 Special Events
- September 16, 2001 - Coloma Community Center,
Linux Installfest (with SacLUG and RoseLUG)
- June 13, 2001 - Ben and Jerry's Ice Cream,
FUNdraiser for the Electronic Frontier Foundation
- April 21, 2001 - Border's Books, Davis
Linux Demo
- March 18, 2001 - EUII Room 1131, UC Davis
Linux Installfest
- March 10, 2001 - Border's Books, Davis
Linux Demo
- February 18, 2001 - EUII Room 1131, UC Davis
Linux Installfest
- January 21, 2001 - EUII Room 1131, UC Davis
Linux Installfest
2000 Special Events
- October 28, 2000 - Yolo Library, Davis
Book Donation
- October 28, 2000 - Borders Books, Davis
Linux Demo
- October 8, 2000 - EUII Room 1131, UC Davis
Linux Installfest
- October 7, 2000 - Davis Food Co-Op, Davis
Linux Demo
- July 22, 2000 - Davis Food Co-Op, Davis
Linux Demo
- July 4, 2000 - LampPost Pizza, Davis
July 4th Party